February 19 - February 18, 2023


Grammar Electives
Week 7 2/19/23
K1st2nd3rd4th/5thNotes/Comments to Teachers:
ChoirUsing the song "Clap Your Hands" discover which words fall on the beat of the music. Next place quarter notes or 8th notes with the word or syllable they fit. Continue to use floor staff to practice letter names. Grades 3-5 learn "Old Texas" and "Weather Rondo". Continue songs previously learned in all grades.
ArtFinish our repetition, pattern and rhythm project
SpanishFinish at the table p. 56-57At the school p. 58-59At the farm p. 62-63At the farm . 62-63Questions p. 64-65
TheaterCast parts for each class and play games that exercise memory.Finish table read and start blocking the first scene.
--- Additional Notes ---
SPANISH: Verse of the week: Ahora permanecen estas tres cosas: la fe, la esperanza y el amor, pero el más grande de todos es el amor. 1 Corintios‬ ‭13‬:‭13‬ ‭‬‬